
Reference 1

  • Personal Details
  • Education/Employment
  • References
  • Medical Questions/ Equal Rights
  • Declaration And Submit

Personal Details


First Name


Contact Number

Alternative Contact Number

Email Address

Date Of Birth

National Insurance Number

DBS Number

Address Line 1

Address Line 2


Post Code


Please upload your CV

Max. size: 32.0 MB

Your Bank Details

Bank Name

Sort Code

Account Number

NMC Registration Number (Nurses Only)

NMC Registration Number

Expiry Date

If you are a member of a professional body or union, please state which one?

Right to Work

Are you a British Citizen?

Are you elegible to work in the UK (Evidence will be required)

Have you been convicted of any criminal offence?

If yes please give details

Next Of Kin Details

Full Name

Your Relation?

Address Line 1

Address Line 2



Post Code

Primary Contact Number


Education History

Institution name

Date from

Date to

What were your qualifications?

Do you hold any further education?

If yes, please give details and dates.

Employment History

Company name

Company Contact Number

Company Address Line 1

Company Address Line 2


Post Code

Employer Name

Job Title


Your Responsibilites

Date from

Date To

Reason for leaving?

Do You hold further employment experience?

if yes, please give details and dates

Reference 1 (Current/Most recent employer)

Please give details of two referees (who should not be your relatives or friends), one of whom should be your previous or current employer. Please indicate against your present employer’s details if you DO NOT wish us to contact them prior to interview.

Full Name

Full Address

Telephone Number



Relationship to applicant

Date from

Date to

Do you wish us to contact them prior to the interview? Please choose as appropiate.

Reference 2

Full Name

Full Address

Telephone Number



Relationship to applicant

Date from

Date to

Medical Questions

First name


Position Applied for?

Please answer the following questions by ticking (√) the relevant box:

Are you up to date with your immunisations (Hepatitis B, Polio, Rubella, etc) (Evidence of this will be required)

Please select one for each:

Do you suffer from or have you ever had diabetes?

Do you suffer from or have you ever had Epilepsy/fits?

Do you suffer from or have you ever had Repetitive strain injury?

Do you suffer from or have you ever had Back Problems?

Do you suffer from or have you ever had Asthma?

Do you suffer from or have you ever had frequent headaches?

Do you suffer from or have you ever had Fainting or dizziness?

Do you suffer from or have you ever had Rupture/Hernia?

Do you suffer from or have you ever had a mental illness, including depression or anxiety?

Do you suffer from or have you ever had hearing difficulty or loss?

Do you suffer from or have you ever had hearing difficulty or loss?

Do you suffer from or have you ever had any eyesght problems not corrected through the use of spectacles or contact lenses?

Do you take any regular medication?

Equal Opportunities

Be You Care Services Ltd is an Equal Opportunities employer and does not discriminate based on race, gender, disability or sexual orientation. In order to help us to monitor our recruitment in line with these values, please respond to the questions below.

Post Applied for:

Please tick as appropiate:


Do you have a disibility?


I declare that the information I have given on this form is correct and that any misrepresentation by me may be sufficient grounds for my dismissal if I am employed. I give my permission for my previous employer(s) and any reference given to be contacted.

Consent under the Data Protection Act 1998 – The information given to Be You Care Ltd in this form will be processed only by us for the purpose of considering your application for employment. If you are successful in your application this form and the information in it will be retained in your HR file for such time as you are an employee of Be You Care Ltdand for up to 6 years after the end of your employment. Otherwise this form will only be retained by Be You Care Ltd for so long as it is required in connection with your application. By signing this consent you give us your express consent to retain and process all the information contained in this form and to transfer it to countries outside the European Economic area if required.

Please bring the following applicable documents to interview: 

> Proof of Eligibility to work: 
 > UK Citizen: Passport or full birth certificate with National Insurance Card 
 > Non UK Citizen: Passport or full birth certificate and National Insurance card and Visa/work permit documentation 
 > Name Change Document: if Surname has changed since birth i.e. Marriage Certificate/Deed Poll 

Photo ID: · Passport · Full Driving Licence (including the Counter Part)  Proof of Address: · You will need 2 proof of address that must be within the last 3 months, which can include utility bills, Bank Statement, Council Tax statement etc.  DBS (Formerly CRB) Details: · A current DBS must be dated within the last year.  Qualifications/training certificates  Passport size photo.